Former Brazilian player Ronaldinho has slammed the national team, claiming that they are nolonger exciting team to watch and to celebrate their win .

The former legend stated that their performances have degraded and are no longer a joy to watch in any competition. According to him, he will not watch any competition in the upcoming Copa America.

“That’s it, guys, I will not watch any Brazil game at the Copa América nor celebrate any victory”. “I’ve had enough. It’s a sad moment for those who love Brazilian football. It’s hard now to find the spirit to watch the games. It’s one of the worst teams in recent years, with no respectable leaders, only average players for the majority. I’ve never seen a situation as bad as this. Lack of love for the Brazil shirt and lack of football. Our performance has been one of the worst things I’ve ever seen, it’s such a shame.”. Said Ronaldinho


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